The previous show is about a playhouse full of sugar. This show, is about girls that lives in a palace full of sweets, and has magical powers related to them. This concept is slightly more surreal and trippy compared to the previous simple concept. So, these are the individual girls for this show concept:
As you can see, one girl has a more of a sweet and feminine vibe, and the other one has more of a cheerful and quirky vibe. But then, both of them have something in common. Look at the pictures of the shows. They both have surreal objects that are related to sweets. The first girl has 2 handsfree spoons pouring chocolate jam and strawberry jam to her, and a glowing ice-cream! And the second girl has unusually big cone and ice cream spoon. And not to mention, there is floating sprinkles on the ceiling above her. This is a land full of sugar weirdness!
And since all the girls live in one palace, they pretty much get to see each other pretty often. And these two girls do see each other. And they spend time together, just both of them, or sometimes with the other girls in the palace as well.
I also made a combined show for these 2 girls. They are working on a huge special sundae in a beautiful glass.
And here it is! I think the sparkling sundae looks beautiful and appetizing. Yum-yum!
You might have wondered why I didn’t do the point-based description like how I did with the other shows. It’s because I have more than 1 show for this concept. Therefore it’s hard to make the point-based description, since I need to compare the shows with each other, since that’s the main point of this concept; solo girls doing magical stuff with sweets.
I guess, this concept is a bit different compared to the other show concept that I did, since I did more than 1 version of the show for the concept. And thanks to the Melt Panic event, I get all these surreal items for the sweets…which personally I find weird, but they’re beautiful. ^^v