

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Musical Waters

The current club theme is still pink and blue, but then I just feel like changing my show concept.
To be honest, I have no idea what to name this concept. It just looks so beautiful with breathtaking colors. I thought I want to use a catchy name, so I come up with “Dancing Waters”, but when I tried to look it up, it looks NOTHING like the show concept that I have (maybe it does look a bit like that on the left side, but still…nope.)

So, I was thinking that, we have some musical items in the concept, and also the water under my avatar is dark blue, which means it has some lighting effect (like in those water shows you know~)
And which is why I think it’s best to use the name “Musical Waters” instead, since the term “Magical” has been taken for a previous concept, and “Blue Waters” seems too cheesy and plain.
I would like to thank Necro Ponies for the avatar on the left, and erm…some Japanese player (I can’t read it and I can’t find the handwritten Japanese keyboard so I can’t find the romanization of the name) for the model on the right. By far, this is my favorite concept in my collection~

Now…let’s get into the concept!
  • The water can spin around, like how it is shown on the left.
  • There is always music playing around the waters.
  • The waters always produces excessive amount of bubbles (as shown in the pic), to emphasize the cheery vibe.
  • There is a music player to control the music.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Pink and Blue

And…that is literally the club theme for now. Pink and blue.
Aka suggested a single color theme, but it seems that there is someone that complains (since she use red as an example and red is a hard color to find in CocoPPa Play). So we go with the double color theme, and I suggested pink and blue, since most of the items in CocoPPa Play are pink and blue so therefore it’s easy to apply.

And here it is, pink and blue. This concept is pretty simple. It’s just a group of girls having a girls night out and have fun together. Like a small gathering party.
And I know if I talk about girls, it’s usually little girls at the age of 6-10, but now I’m talking about teenagers.
To be honest, I actually love this concept. The colors just look so vibrant and lovely ♥
So, let’s start with the concept description.
  • The girls are having a small gathering party together…with some coctails.
  • And as we can see, the setting looks pretty simple. It’s because they’re teenagers and they’re low in budget.
  • The gathering party also provides gifts exchange. The girl on the left is holding her gift, and there is another one in front of them, which is the glass slipper~~

I use this show for the concept, since it’s more suitable. But then, in reality, I actually have a slightly different model for my avatar.
The avatar that I use for this concept has wings, because the wings looks so beautiful and it suits the avatar. And with thing wings in place, the avatar just looks so good. But the wings doesn’t really match the show concept, so I temporarily eliminate the wings to give a better view of the concept.

And I do initially plan to change her hair to the pink and blue pigtails from the Animal Circus event, which is the current event, but it just seem to not click together. And besides this hair already looks beautiful on my avatar.